Critical Point Network Seminar Series

Untangling the Capital Gains Tax (CGT) web

The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) is actively auditing taxpayers who claim small business CGT concessions, resulting in a number of court cases. These rules have now become a complex puzzle, with a high level of complexity, confusion and contentious tax issues. CGT concessions, which were designed to assist small business, are now leaving many businesses bewildered and unable to untangle the complexities to access the concessions.

In our upcoming seminar, we’ll explore:

  • Key considerations: What to keep in mind when accessing CGT concessions
  • Strategic planning: How to make the most of these tax breaks
  • Real-life cases: Tales of taxpayers battling the CGT labyrinth
  • Case studies: Practical insights for advisors

We hope you will join us.

Dates and locations

Tuesday 6 August | Penrith

Penrith Serviced Offices
Level 1, 331 High Street,

Wednesday 7 August | Sydney

Pitcher Partners
Level 16, Tower 2 Darling Park
201 Sussex Street, Sydney

Thursday 8 August | Casula

Hunts Hotel Liverpool
2415 Camden Valley Way,

Friday 9 August | Chatswood

SOI Meeting / training and conference rooms (opposite the RSL)
Ground Floor, 465 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood

Event details


Member: $50       Non-member: $70

Our payment process has changed. Following registration for the event, you will receive a confirmation email with a link to the secure Pitcher Partners Payment Portal.

Please register for additional people using the Additional Attendees field in the registration form. If you’re a CPN member, the member’s discount is extendable to your colleagues. 


Registration at 7.45am for 8.00am start. Concluding at 9.30am. Breakfast will be provided at all venues.


John Kelly
Business Development Manager,
Critical Point Network

+61 2 8236 7707


Critical Point Network is a business of PPNSW Services Pty Limited. ABN 13608418828 operated under licence. Critical Point® and Critical Point Network® are registered trade marks of Pitcher Partners Advisors Pty Ltd and are used by PPNSW Services PTY LTD in Sydney Practice under licence. 

Pitcher Partners is an association of independent firms. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation. Pitcher Partners is a member of the global network of Baker Tilly International Limited, the members of which are separate and independent legal entities.